Minimalist Food Philosophy
Packaging Design
NADURIA is a company that lives and
acts according to clear values. This not
only means that all of the NADURIA foods
are plastic free packed, but also the selec-
tion from ingredients to packaging design follow a common thread: The "Minimalist
Food Philosophy". Only essential, high-
quality organic ingredients are used.
This minimalist and transparent appro-
ach was translated into the packaging
design and optimized for a young target group. The products are available in
Germany, Austria and the Switzerland
in markets like dm, Müller and Tegut.
Naduria Vegan Protein Shake
Packaging Design Adaptation
The packaging design of the cans was
also adapted to different packaging
solutions. Here for example on trial
size sachets.
Naduria CRIPS!
Vegan Protein Bar
Packaging Design
The NADURIA protein product portfolio should be expanded to include a protein bar
in different flavors. For this purpose,
I developed a new packaging design concept.
Naduria oat bowl.
Packaging Design
Packaging design for the breakfast
product "oatbowl." by NADURIA in
sustainable paper packaging.
Anti Aging Protein
Packaging Design
Packaging design for the start-up Svenskin.
Oilana Aromatherapy
Packaging Design
Packaging design and logo design
for Oilana’s aromatic oils.